No matter your cloud footprint: Private, Public, or a Hybrid approach, we have you covered with our Cloud Solutions.
Today’s cloud strategy isn’t about technology, it’s about business outcomes. A distributed IT footprint demands true expertise to handle capacity management and planning, secure connectivity, and multi-cloud orchestration.
From turnkey Infrastructure-as-a-Service options to cloud architecture and secure, high-performance connectivity for your hybrid-cloud, IT Weapons has the tools and talent to keep your business productive and safe.
Give your team and your customers the flexibility and power to connect and collaborate confidently and securely anywhere on any device. We can help you get there. We are also a Microsoft Qualified Multitenant Hoster (QMTH).
Why Move to the Cloud?
- No upfront infrastructure expenses when you need to migrate or upgrade
- Use only what you need. No need to own and manage costly infrastructure that’s often under-utilized
- Scalability and Flexibility. Pay for additional resources only when they are needed and stop paying for resources that are no longer needed.
From a small agile business to a multi-location Canadian enterprise, our cloud solutions and services team will help you accelerate your cloud journey and boost business performance.
We’ll help you identify the platform and infrastructure tools you need to drive performance and security for your apps, services, and data.